Ideal Outcomes

Celebrating The Unsung Heroes Juggling Careers And Family

by Jason Richmond, CEO and Chief Culture Officer at Ideal Outcomes, Inc.

March 12 is National Working Moms Day, a day that was established to “celebrate the breadwinners and the bread makers, the educators and the role models, those resilient, inspirational fixtures in our children’s lives.” In other words, every mom is a working mom. And I’m certainly not going to disagree with that.

But for the purposes of this article I’m focusing on mothers who work away from the home, and there are a lot of them. The US Department of Labor’s most recent statistics show that in 2022 nearly 73% of moms with children under age 18 had jobs, an increase of  1.7% over the previous year. Many are finding higher paying positions with better hours, which is just as well because women are the primary or co-breadwinners in two-thirds of households with children. As a result, according to the American Center for Progress, many women find themselves facing a “double burden”—working outside the home while still taking care of their families at home.

And, says Pew Research, “While the challenges aren’t exclusive to moms— dads face these challenges too—research has shown over and over again that women are most often the ones who change their work schedules and make compromises when the needs of the family collide with work.”

I’ve seen it firsthand. My mom raised five kids while working in a bank—and she didn’t retire until the age of 76. She loved going to work, being part of a team, having a work ethic, and contributing to society. What an incredible role model and inspiration! She ingrained a sense of work ethic, commitment and purpose that is always with me. For all those years she saw no reason to retire.

So let’s never underestimate the value that women bring to the workplace. The website of Recruit My Mom, a company that specializes in placing professional, skilled female talent, states it like this: “There is a belief that working moms are less committed to their careers than other employees. It’s time to change this antiquated mindset and bias. This belief has been challenged by research, and in fact, the skills and perspectives women gain as mothers have substantial benefits in the workplace. Businesses need to emphasize the mother advantage rather than highlighting the motherhood penalty: being a mother actually helps, not hinders, career advancement.”


The skills a woman acquires after becoming a mother are the kinds of skills in great demand in the workplace. Let me spell them out. Time management and multi-tasking, for starters. Think of all the duties that a mom performs looking after her kids and managing the household. All with a high degree of patience, understanding, and empathy. Raising children is no small undertaking.

Improved bottom line

While the soft skills of women are undeniable their contribution can be measured in more tangible ways. In fact, a study of nearly 22,000 public companies in 91 countries, conducted by Peterson Institute for International Economics, found that having at least 30% of women in leadership positions boosted net profit margin by 6%. Many of those women are bound to be working moms juggling those different responsibilities. It’s a productivity bonus that’s not widely appreciated.

Furthermore, according to a report by the McKinsey Global Institute, advancing women’s equality, which includes supporting working mothers, could add $12 trillion to the global GDP as early as next year.

Team management

Moms are often the peacemakers and mediators negotiating compromises, for instance, between squabbling siblings and establishing a harmonious home environment. These are talents that transfer nicely into the work environment and raise the value of a woman’s contribution to a smooth and effective business operation.

Benefits for women

Apart from financial rewards, working mothers have both personal and professional benefits. They tend to be healthier and happier than moms who stay at home during their children’s infancy and pre-school years, according to a major study at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Researchers there analyzed National Institute for Child Health and Human Development data beginning with interviews of 1,364 mothers shortly after their child’s birth and followed up for more than 10 years.

Research also shows that companies with more female leaders are more likely to offer family-friendly policies like paid parental leave and flexible work arrangements than those without them. Workplace flexibility including hybrid work has been shown to increase engagement and productivity for all employees, and certainly deliver advantages for working moms.

A key challenge

One area where companies could and should focus more attention is the need for help with child care. It is a significant challenge for parents with moms bearing the brunt of responsibility.

According to an employer roadmap from the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Childcare Solutions for Working Parents, 62% of employers cited childcare as a factor for why they’re seeing employees leave the workforce. One in three businesses have also said that problems with childcare factored “a great deal” into loss of employee productivity.

Indispensable working moms

Celebrating and supporting working moms is not merely a gesture of goodwill; it is a strategic move that yields significant benefits for businesses. From enhancing productivity and innovation to contributing to economic growth and improving business outcomes, the value that working moms bring to the workforce is undeniable.

As businesses continue to evolve, the integration of policies and practices that acknowledge the unique challenges and strengths of working mothers will not only foster a more inclusive and equitable workplace but also drive organizational success. It’s time for businesses to not just acknowledge but wholeheartedly celebrate the indispensable role of working moms.

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