Ideal Outcomes

The ROI of Employee Well-Being

by Jason Richmond, CEO and Chief Culture Officer at Ideal Outcomes, Inc.

What Does Well-Being Really Mean?

The term “well-being” can seem like a buzzword, but it’s a multi-layered concept that goes beyond just physical health. It encompasses mental strength, emotional balance, and even financial stability. It’s about ensuring that your team members are well-rounded individuals who are capable of giving their best at work. Physical health is the cornerstone, requiring not just exercise but also proper nutrition and sufficient sleep. Mental and emotional well-being involve stress management, work-life balance, and a supportive work environment. Financial well-being, often overlooked, is about fair pay, solid benefits, and opportunities for growth.

The Real-World Benefits

Employee well-being affects employee engagement. According to Gallup, employees who are not thriving in their lives are 61% more likely to experience burnout.

Why is it a game-changer to focus on employee well-being? When people are happy at work, they’re more likely to stick around. Think about it: would you leave a job where you feel valued and taken care of? Probably not. And that’s a big deal for companies because hiring new employees isn’t just time-consuming; it’s also expensive. Keeping your team happy is actually a smart money move.

Productivity is also directly tied to employee well-being. We’ve all had those days where we’re just not feeling it, right? When a company takes steps to make sure its employees are well—like offering flexible hours, mental health support, or even just a safe comfortable place to take a time out—that can turn things around. Happy employees are more focused, more creative, and just plain better at their jobs. It’s like putting premium gas in a car; you’re just going to get better performance.

And let’s not forget about company reputation. In the age of social media and online reviews, word gets around fast. If you’re treating your employees well, they’re going to sing your praises, and that’s the kind of publicity you just can’t buy. Plus, top talent is more likely to be attracted to a company that’s known for taking care of its people. So, focusing on employee well-being isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s good for business, too.

The Hidden Perks: More Than Meets the Eye

The less obvious benefits, or the “hidden perks,” are equally important.  Elevated teamwork is one example. When people feel good, they’re more open to collaborating and sharing ideas. It’s a ripple effect; one person’s positive energy can lift the whole team’s spirit. This creates a work environment where people aren’t just clocking in and out; they’re genuinely excited to contribute. This fosters an atmosphere of innovation and creativity. Employees are more willing to go the extra mile, contribute ideas, and take ownership of their projects.

Another under-the-radar benefit? Increased customer satisfaction. When employees are happy, they’re more likely to go the extra mile in their interactions with customers. And let’s be real, customers can tell when they’re dealing with someone who enjoys their job. That kind of positive interaction can turn a one-time buyer into a loyal customer, and we all know how valuable that is in the long run.

And here’s one more: resilience. Life throws curveballs, and the business world is no different. Market trends shift, projects hit snags, and challenges pop up out of nowhere. A team that’s mentally and emotionally well is better equipped to adapt and bounce back. They’re the ones who’ll find creative solutions and turn challenges into opportunities. So, investing in employee well-being isn’t just a “nice-to-have”; it’s a strategic move that prepares your team for whatever comes their way.

Real-Life Examples: What We’ve Learned

In our more than two decades working with a variety of companies, we’ve seen how focusing on employee well-being can be a game-changer for businesses. When a company’s goals are in sync with the well-being of its employees, something magical happens: innovation skyrockets. Employees feel empowered to think creatively and take calculated risks, which in turn fuels sustainable growth. It’s like a positive feedback loop; the more you invest in your people, the more they invest in your business.

But it doesn’t stop there. Creating a culture that values teamwork, diversity, and continuous learning does wonders for employee well-being. When people feel like they’re part of a team that respects and values their unique contributions, they’re naturally more engaged and committed to their work. This leads to a more cohesive and effective team that can tackle challenges head-on and adapt to changing market conditions.

Employee well-being is not just about offering perks; it’s about building a culture that puts employees at its core. In our experience, companies that make this a priority are the ones that stand out in today’s competitive business landscape.

Leadership’s Role: Setting the Tone

Leaders play a pivotal role in the success of any well-being initiative, and it goes way beyond just giving the green light for the program. Leaders are the ones who set the tone. When leaders actively participate in well-being programs, it sends a clear message to the team: this is important. It’s not just another box to check off; it’s a fundamental part of how the company operates.

But here’s the kicker: effective leadership in this area isn’t about dictating terms from an ivory tower. It’s about understanding the unique needs and challenges of your workforce and then crafting a strategy that addresses those specific issues. This means opening up channels for honest dialogue, actively seeking feedback, and being willing to make adjustments based on what you hear. It’s a two-way street that requires leaders to be as good at listening as they are at directing.

A well-executed well-being strategy can have a ripple effect throughout the organization. When employees see that their well-being is a priority for the higher-ups, it fosters a sense of trust and community. This, in turn, boosts morale, increases productivity, and can even improve employee retention rates. When leaders champion well-being initiatives, they’re not just investing in individual employees; they’re investing in the long-term success and cohesion of the team as a whole.

How to Know If It’s Working

Measuring the success of well-being programs is essential for their long-term viability. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can be used to track various aspects, from participation rates to changes in healthcare costs and employee satisfaction levels. This data-driven approach ensures that the initiatives are not just well-intentioned but also effective in achieving their goals.


The benefits of focusing on employee well-being extend far beyond the financial aspect. It’s about building a culture where people are happy, engaged, and motivated to bring their best selves to work every day. A whopping 96% of employees believe showing empathy is an important way to advance employee retention. Caring for your team is not just the “right” thing to do; it’s a smart business strategy for success.

We invite you to join the conversation and share your thoughts on this crucial topic. Follow us on LinkedIn and let’s make employee well-being a strategic priority, not just an HR checkbox.