Culture Journey & Business Imperative Scorecard
To make the Culture Journey and Business Imperative Scorecard an effective measure of your organization’s culture, follow these tips:
- Base it on your core values
- Include business metrics related to performance
- Consider your talent management strategies
- Continue to update it on a regular basis
This tool will help you evaluate where you are and where you would like to be on your culture journey.
1. Choose
3 metrics
Start with one culture and values measure, one business metric, and one KPI.
2. Plan your move from current state
to desired state
Describe your current state, then your desired state, and brainstorm what this tells you, and how to move to your desired state.
3. Repeat for
all metrics
Repeat this process for all metrics identifed in your Culture Journey Game Plan.

What You Get
An interactive tool that encourages you to use measurable data to get your organization’s culture from where you are today to where you’d like to be in the future.